Gravel #5

Sep 2008 | Avatar

Writing: Warren Ellis | Mike Wolfer
Colour: Juanmar
Art: Oscar Jimenez
Cover: Mike Wolfer

The Furious Host

Gravel heads out to collect a fifth piece of the Sigsand from from the manor of the Minor Seven member he killed previously, only to be met with further resistance.

Another issue gone and he’s still without more manuscript pages; he’s fallen behind the pattern. We had some good action against the crazy guy and the host and I’m curious who that hobo looking guy with the black dog is. he was friendly, but what’s his agenda? Questions! What is he gonna do with all of the Sigsand? What would anyone else do with it? I had been hoping the others would have messed with it like the first one. That was such a wonderful horrible. Part of me still wants to see more of that and I’ll be greatly disappointed if I don’t get to see any more by the time it’s all over with.  That isn’t to say I’ll hate this book, it’ll just be a lingering pang.

After this is all over with, I’m tempted to pick up the previous stuff Gravel appeared in and see what that’s like. We’ll see how well I like this one and how I feel when it’s over.

Gravel #4

Mar 2008 | Avatar

Writing: Warren Ellis | Mie Wolfer
Colour: Juanmar
Art: Oscar Jimenez
Cover: Mike Wolfer

Ascension By Assassination

After collecting half of the Sigsand, Gravel stashes the manuscript in a protected location only to have his next target find him first.

A good bit of action in this issue. Some poor acolytes got killed in a variety of satisfying ways bringing me back to my happy place and making up for lost time from all the talking previous issue. I really needed some of that.  This and Vampirella currently have the most action of what I’m currently reading that I can think of off-hand, but it’s far more viscerally satisfying in Gravel. It’s all about the graphic gore and Avatar is usually good for this which I why I love them so much. It’s like what you see in the goriest movies in print.

I’m still enjoying this book. The second issue had disappointed me with the ghost horses and lack of a horrible to top the one in the first issue, but now things are interesting plot-wise and there’s still a satisfying level of violence when I need it.

Gravel #3

Jul 2008 | Avatar

Writing: Warren Ellis | Mike Wolfer
Colour: Juanmar
Art: Oscar Jimenez
Cover: Arianna Osborne | Mike Wolfer | Raulo Caceres | Juanmar

On Ilkley moor Baht’ At

Gravel has a chat with Sykes, the oldest of the Minor Seven, at his moor and learns a bit more about the Sigsand Manuscript.

At last! Finally I learn a little bit more about the manuscript and why everyone wants it. I’d never read any of the previous books Gravel appeared in, so I wondered if it were something I’d have known had I have done. Now I feel far more comfortable to read it knowing it wasn’t required reading.

I didn’t expect the outcome, but I knew he’d have the third page of the Sigsand by the end of it. Thus far, we’ve established a good pattern of him getting a page each issue. I can’t honestly say i know where it’s going other than I suspect he will gain the entire thing and something not entirely good will come out of it.

Despite the book merely being an informative one filling in some blanks, it provides some useful information likely to be important when things start getting serious in the future. I’d still like to see more horribles and gore. It’s what I love about Avatar.

Gravel #2

Mar 2008 | Avatar

Writing: Warren Ellis
Colour: Greg Waller
Art: Raulo Caceres
Cover: Mike Wolfer

The Stables of the Dead

Gravel continues his quest for the Sigsand Manuscript fragments and deals with another member of the Minor Seven who has control over a herd of ghost horses.

Well, this member of the Minor Seven used interesting magic. She manifested all spectral-ghost-like to Gravel, attempted negotiations were made, then we got down into violence where Gravel had to deal with ghost horses for several pages. We got a little bit more into things and learned the people he’s fighting against are basically scared of him, but deeper plot hasn’t surfaced yet. Overall, it was an interesting issue, but I hoped for more twisted disturbies like the previous issue. There’s still time. Fingers crossed for the next issue.

Crossed #9

Crossed #9 cover

Feb 2010 | Avatar

Writing: Garth Ennis
Art: Jacen Burrows
Colour: Juanmar

The two groups are hoping to reunite, but things don’t look good for either of them when the pack of crossed catch up.

This issue is difficult for me to review. The heavy feelings of it finally being over have put this weight of depression on me. It’s a feeling similar to what you get when you leave a great movie and walk out into the real world like you’ve just finally returned home, but the pangs of wanting to go back and experience more stick with you.

A few posts back I had complained about not wanting things to ride on a final confrontation. That’s exactly what I got. I have mixed feelings on this. I’m still a bit surprised I found myself rooting for the survivors. I am partially glad with the closure given by the final confrontation. I also feel the loss of more survivors deaths, particularly the two I wanted to live. It was awful and beautiful at the same time.

The exposition really helped this ending settle in my gut. It made me more open to accept how it ended and the more I think about it, the more I’m okay with that. It might not have had the epic wow I was looking for, but it had an impact nonetheless. Part of me craves more, but another part is content to leave things how they are. I don’t think any other survival-horror series will come close to having the effect Crossed had on me. I am glad to have read this. It will be a hard thing to fill this emptiness within me.

Be with you soon.

I promise.

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